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Reflections on the Process

This is the 22nd tool that I have used to create my electronic portfolio. Since I copied the pages from another version of my portfolio, all URLs automatically came over as weblinks. The tool allowed me to reconstruct my portfolio in less than an hour, copying and pasting the information. I easily uploaded my only file artifacts (on the Portfolio-at-a-Glance page). While a two-step process (upload files and then link to them) the process was easy to follow. All of my other artifacts are web links.

This system has the potential to offer interactivity, since each page can have comments added by members of my blog. I was able to add links by simply by creating a link in WordPress and I could designate that link would open a new browser window which is what I prefer: the portfolio remains open so that when an artifact is opened, the reader can close the window and easily return to the portfolio, rather than using the Back button.

There is also no data management tool, to aggregate assessment data. Therefore, this tool would work for formative assessment (providing teacher and peer feedback on student work) but not for summative assessment. But the process for adding comments and feedback would need to be agreed upon with the readers, just as I have placed suggestions at the bottom of some of these pages.

The major advantage of WordPress is that it has two ways of posting: a blog (organized in reverse chronological order) with categories, and pages (organized hierarchically… with sub-pages or “page parents” which means that the sub-pages do not show on the main page menu (but do show on the sidebar menu in the template that I am using). One small problem is that the picture on this template is the same on every page. I could add other images on each page. Still, the this is one of the better Web 2.0 tools I have used.


1. mariotoutdego - July 6, 2007

You inspired me Helen and I improved my ePortfolio recently with this tool…


I share each of those reflections…

Thanks a lot.

2. my friends cites | silihwarni2013 - March 7, 2013

[…] beta […]

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